About Us

We are an independent, non-profit and youth-spirited online media platform for Youths across the Indian subcontinent. We report the issues and problems that should be reported, and not the ones that are reported.

We will try to make you astonish, frown, sometimes giggle and most importantly educate, inspire and change your perception and views about society.
People always say time changes things, but WE BELIEVE that you actually have to change things yourselves. Let us all, you and me, be the change we want to see in society. While we try to give our best, we’d be highly thankful if you, our very dear readers, help us reach more and more people.

We are reachable on just an email, and we would love to publish anyone who feels strongly about anything that should matter to society. This platform is for you,


PS: Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions to add value to this

bunch’s objectives.