
There are some things you need to know by the time you turn 30 years old. Even if you are above the age of 30, its best to check if you’re aware of these 10 things.
There are some things you need to know by the time you turn 30 years old. Even if you are above the age of 30, its best to check if you’re aware of these 10 things. Times are changing, priorities shift, and it is easy for the important things to slip out of your way, and maybe you realize them too late. We at The Second Angle have already noted our lessons from this list of
10 things you need to know by 30 years old.
- Life is not about you: That Facebook status is not about you, it’s a general statement. Bed things don’t happen to you, they just happen. No one is secretly trying to make you miserable. You are not the center of everyone’s universe, just your own. Stop thinking about yourself and think about others as well. Help them, put their needs before yours, and be generous. That doesn’t mean you would always take care of others before you take care of yourself. Balance them both and you’ll have a good life.
- Things will never satisfy the soul: The idea is that things do not bring real happiness, just a short term illusion that looks like it.
- Credit cards are dangerous: no, they are not going to kill you in your sleep but the risk of spending way more money than you have and getting in a lot of debt, are high. Credit cards are not free money, they just hold the money that will help you pay your rent, your bills, your necessities, and just after you’ve done that you can buy that dress or suit you’ve seen in your favorite shop. You have been offered a credit card that allows you to spend however much you want, having the possibility to pay it back but how about the interest rate.
- Read more: We hope you understand that reading and hard work are the two biggest differentiators of success. Maybe the internet is more attractive, the TV is a form of relaxation, and the video games are also fun as well but when it comes to really doing something for yourself, reading is all you’ve got. Books will help you gain knowledge, will enrich your vocabulary, will stimulate your brain, and at the end of the day you will feel relaxed.
- Travel more: You are young, free, and you might not even have kids. You probably have a stable job and it’s a perfect time to travel. You won’t get a chance after that, the job will get more stressful, you’ll have your own family and kids, and trust me you won’t get time after that. Pack your things and go on a trip, it doesn’t matter where, it might be camping, it might be a luxurious island, or in the middle of nowhere. Just go, enjoy it, have fun. Turning 20s and turning 30 years old are the best time for you to travel.
- Save money: Time is money and wasted time means a lot less money. Start saving money the moment you are fully able to pay your rents and you still have something left. Don’t spend it all on clothes and partying, think about
Gee whiz! Saving is so easy and so fun! your future. As you grow older, you’re going to have a bigger spending. You’d want to go on that trip we just mentioned, you’d want to get married, and start a family. But the question is with what? All that requires money and you won’t be able to earn it or save it in a couple of months. Each month put something aside and don’t ever touch it, consider it’s not even there.
Have a healthy lifestyle: one of the ten things you need to know by 30 years old is that your body won’t get any better. That is, if you don’t do anything about it. Metabolism stops with age, something about your body will get bigger and probability of improving will get lower. So, help your body be in its best shape and consider changing your lifestyle. Cut down the fast food, start drinking more water, and exercise. Be proud of who you are and don’t let your body do whatever it wants to just because you are growing older. Remember, age is just a number.
- It’s you who is looking back in the mirror: It might seem as a silly thing to say but most of us don’t realize that we should be proud and happy to be whom we are. Stop trying to impress everyone and stop comparing yourself to others, if they don’t like you then maybe you’re better off without them. If you’re doing good things and you care about others as well then you should be happy with yourself.
- Learn to say no: Refusing the tempting offer to drink or partying with your best friend just to stay with your loved one, does not make you a bad friend. Say no when your boss asks you stay overtime again to do some extra work, it will not make you a bad employee. Learning how to prioritize is one of the best thing you can do for yourself and don’t feel guilty about it. It’s your life not anyone else’s. Choose love, health, and family before anything else. That’s what counts at the end of the day. Please remember, when you say yes to something you’re actually saying no to everything else that you could’ve done in that time.
- Have close friends: Even if you are not as close as you were in college or school, even if you have not seen each other in years; make time to call them, to meet them, and to talk to them. Close friends are like a second family and they should count more than money or career. Of course don’t give up on your job to go partying all night, that’s not really what friendship is all about. You probably know that. When things get harder, friends and family are the only ones that are going to be there no matter what.
Which of these ten you think you can improve on? You know this is a conversation, right? So, what are the life lessons you’ve learnt so far? Let us know in the comments below.
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