It is not always necessary that a great leader is a great writer as well. But there have been some versatile politicians that when they decide to write their story for the world to read, it was loved dearly.
Here are the top 4 political autobiographies that have been loved by critics and the public alike.
1. Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
The first book on the list is ‘Dream from My Father’ written by the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama. He published the book back in 1995 even before he started his political career.

Born in Honolulu in 1961, Obama shared a lot of his personal life from his birthplace till he got a degree in Law from Harvard. He also shares how he associated with his father through stories told to him by his mother and maternal grandparents. His father, Barack Obama Sr. attains a central figure in this autobiography.
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2. Daughter of the East: An Autobiography by Benazir Bhutto
This is a book that is recommended by critics for everyone without any religious or political bias. This book tells a lot about the past and present of Pakistan. Benazir Bhutto beautifully penned down the struggles faced by her, her family, her party, and party members. The book will make you aware of some of the most dangerous circumstances faced by Benazir herself.

But Bhutto did not lose compassion at any point while writing her autobiography. She was a member of one of the wealthiest families of the country and did her education at Oxford and Harvard. Coming from a political background, she witnessed some moments that are hard for us to imagine.
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3. My Experiments With Truth by Mahatma Gandhi
These books deal with the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also called the father of the nation in India. Gandhi has written everything from his early childhood days till 1921 in this book. Mahatma Gandhi has not tried even a single time to withhold any piece of information while writing his autobiography. The truth and honesty that are synonymous with his personality can be clearly seen in his writing style as well.

The first phase deals with the childhood years of Gandhi, what he liked to eat, what games he used to play, and what questions arises within him during that time. This has been written in a very intriguing and captivating manner. The later part of this book deals with the part when he left India and how living abroad shaped his thought process.
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4. Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
There is no way this list is going to be completed with the mention of Nelson Mandela. His life has been an instrument of inspiration for generations to come. He received more than 240 awards within 40 years of his life. This book tells why it is absolutely necessary to house some rebellious thought within you.

It tells why it is necessary to question something that you think is wrong even if it is done by a force much greater than you. The autobiography will give you strength, courage, and wisdom and will tell you that putting forward things that you think are right is absolutely correct. The book has also been adapted into a film with the same title.
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Source: The Education Daily
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